A safe and educated nanny in Sweden
- A safe and educated babysitter
- Babysitters for all days & hours
- We have babysitters all over Sweden

Find the best babysitter
Find the best babysitter
Every year thousands of families in Sweden choose NannyPoppins for a personal and professional babysitter. With us it’s easy to find a good babysitter, one who has both the right experience and is available for your family when you are in need of help. We’ll help you find a nanny that is a perfect match!
What has made us one of the largest companies in Sweden in the babysitting industry is the fact that we really make sure that we understand every family’s needs. This in order to select a really good nanny that is a perfect match and is going to be someone that the whole family will enjoy getting to know.

How to get started with a professional babysitter
How to get started with a professional babysitter
With NannyPoppins it’s easy to get started:
- Contact us at 0775 – 88 80 15 to chat with one of our childcare-specialists
- We will handpick a babysitter that matches your wants and needs
- Once you have approved of your babysitter you will meet for a try-out-meeting, and you do not commit to any agreement by doing this

About our services
We offer different types of babysitting, so that your family can find a nanny that fits well with your personal schedule.
Three of the most popular types of babysitting services that we offer include: pick-up/drop-off (”hämtning/lämning”), part-time/full-time (”deltid/heltid”) and sporadic occasions (”sporadiska tillfällen”).
Your nanny picks up and/or drops off your child at school or preschool.
Get babysitting regularly, a couple of hours or days a week!
Sporadic occasions
An option for those that need babysitting occasionally, such as for events.

How we find the most reassuring and safe babysitters for our families
All babysitters go through a thorough recruitment process consisting of interviews, training and tests in order to work with us. Since we are one of the largest companies in the babysitting industry in Sweden, we can be selective and choose to work with only the absolute best babysitters.
We only hire babysitters that have experience with taking care of children. If they are interested in being a babysitter for a certain age group, they again need to prove that they have worked with children in that particular age group before. Children act and behave differently depending on their age, the first years go by fast and a lot of changes happen in a short period of time. It is therefore good to have a nanny that knows how to handle that.
All babysitters have gone through a background-check. We do this to ensure that your babysitter is safe and trustworthy. This means that we do not only look through criminal records, we also check if the person has any history in the Swedish courts. When a person has applied for the job we seek for all available information that can be found about him or her, which makes the background-check even more extensive than if we only looked at the criminal records.
By doing this background-check we can make sure that the applicant has a spotless past. This process is more solid and thorough compared to what most schools- and preschools do when they hire their personnel. We go one step further than what we are obliged to by law. We hope that our commitment for a safe babysitter is shown in this process and in the rest of our work when helping you find a babysitter.
Pedagogics and CPR for kids – some of the things we teach our babysitters
Your babysitter has been educated and trained in many different things that we find important. We at NannyPoppins do not only come from a background of being parents ourselves, we also have experience and much knowledge in pedagogics and education. We have combined all of them into our various methods for babysitting and taught them to our babysitters, mostly so they can create a fun and rewarding environment for your kids.
Of course we also make sure that the babysitter knows all the safety measures to ensure safety when babysitting, like being certified in how to prevent accidents. For example, we teach them all how to safely cross a pedestrian crossing with your children. Some things might seem obvious for a babysitter, but we do not leave it up to chance. A very important step in the process of becoming a babysitter is taking and passing our certification in CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) for kids. This among other safety precautions is a requirement at NannyPoppins.
What do some of our families think about their nanny from NannyPoppins?
“I am very happy with NannyPoppins and our babysitter Lova! She has been a perfect match for my family. She usually picks my two kids up from school a few times a week and she babysits them during the afternoon until I get home. She has a great energy and makes sure to keep me updated about how things have gone during the day. As soon as she leaves the kids instantly ask me when she will come back. Fair to say they like their nanny very much! ”
Ella Johansson, has a babysitter in Stockholm
Where can I get a babysitter from NannyPoppins?
For us at NannyPoppins it is important to help families with babysitters all over Sweden, not only in big cities like Stockholm. We constantly work to recruit and educate more babysitters in different parts of the country. Today we help families all over Sweden and can therefore offer a babysitter to families regardless if they live in a big town, in the suburbs or out on the countryside.
Contact us now for a first meeting with your babysitter
If you are looking for a babysitter we will gladly help you. We are available all over in Sweden. Our goal is to have the best babysitting in Sweden, which demands that one has a really excellent babysitter.
You can reach us at 0775 – 88 80 15, all weekdays between 9am-7pm.
Contact us now for a free quote!
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